Backstage at the filthy rock club, the rock star’s girl waits in anticipation for the band to finish their set so they can all party hard and have their way with her…
With her ripped stockings, fishnet gloves, streaked hair, piercings and tattoos, this rawk chick has a little addiction… Well, call it a big one, because it’s an addiction to huge things in her pussy!
But until they get there, this little slutty cum dumpster waits in her den of filth and makes her ass nice and loose and lubed for the orgy of excess soon to follow..
And then when she’s done, it’ll be back in the alleyway for her, that gutter girl! Hey, she just made two bucks! You go girl!
(ok.. if you think I’ve “fallen off the wagon”, you do know that I tend to play characters in my shoots, And though they all have a certain sluttiness in common, this one might be a bit more susceptible to excess than the real me… Don’t worry <wink>)
The whole set is whopping 223 pictures, and only available on my member’s section of
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