Yep, I did a shoot on my lawn tractor. Uh huh.
With my nice new titties, the new shoots keep a coming. Like the micro-mini-nano-bikini top? I think I should whip up some more of these and wear them to the beach, or just around town <wink>.
But like all good, sexy slutty outfits, they’re desiged to not cover much, isn’t that true? So eventually something slips out…
.. and something slips in. I think this nice thick, wide dildo is my favorite one at the moment..
But fully nude (well, just a hat) is where it’s all leading. I don’t think we’re going to get much yard work done today.
So yeah haw! Y’all get your dicks hard for a good old fashioned garage sale whore like me! The whole set (looks like roughly 150 pictures), will go up by mid next week!
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