“Flowering Tara” for Easter…

Okay, that might not quite be what I call this shoot (I had also thought of “Spring into Action”, but I’m not super thrilled with either title), but I’m about halfway through editing the photos, so right now my mind is sort of focused on one thing.

  • Spring, Sprang, SPROING!!!
  • As keen eyed observers may notice, this costume is the marriage of bits from two previous shoots, with some extra details added.  The corset first saw it’s appearance in “Bouquet”, way back in 2003 and “Flower Pasties” back in early 2004.  But what it really needed was the Hat That Crosses Two Time Zones of 2009’s “Easter Best”.

    Somethings in bloom!

    On the corset, I added little sleeve-type things on the shoulders, re-did all the silk flowers for trim, made a necklace and pasties, and completely changed the garter straps.   And in general I added more trim and fixed some frayed edges.  Basically I finished it, since it never really got finished properly.

    My studio has pretty much become my own personal dressing room and vanity.

    I hope you enjoy this enhancement of a classic outfit.  And shooting in front of an art deco vanity and some interesting “powder puff” stools I made.. well, I hope the whole concept pops a lot better now.


    Of course with the wonderful changes my body has been in the intervening years, I do fill out the costume much better than before.  Hmm..  Now I’m looking around to see what outfit needs to get a 2012 re-invention…

    But right now I have to put the Wacom tablet down and get some rest.  I actually have a LOT of news to blog about, it’s just very hard to pick which stories I need to focus on first.  I figure I’ll get the new shoot up and then I’ll  backtrack a little bit to my other exciting news!





    This entry was posted in New shoot!, Tara's fetish designs, Victorian. Bookmark the permalink.

    22 Responses to “Flowering Tara” for Easter…

    1. Pingback: Be patient, the wheels are turning. It’s Spring! | Smarter than the Average Tranny Pornstar (only just..)

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